Fireplace Mantel
Fireplace Mantel

This was one of the most enjoyable and challenging home improvement projects I've done. When I designed this project, the idea was to phase it in as we could afford it. The first phase added the travertine around the fireplace. The second phase added the hearth and new flooring. The third, final and most complicated phase was the mantle itself.
The mantle has two swtiches mounted flat on the horizontal surface, one on each side of the fireplace. The left switch turns on the indirect lighting above and a recessed switch in the middle that can turn on Christmas garland lights. The right switch is the one that turns on the fireplace. It was relocated from the wall to the mantle so that it was less conspicuous. I love how the Christmas garland is able to be lit without any visible wiring and plugs.
Take a look a the descriptions of each image as they explain how the project was done.